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Explaining the Catholic Mass to Toddlers: Engaging Children Under 7

Tammy Fernando • October 6, 2024
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Reviving Joy: Engaging Children in Meaningful Church Mass Experiences

My beloved parents didn’t really explain a whole lot about the mass to us, their three children. And that, my friends, is because their parents, more than likely, didn’t explain the mass to them either. Still, I knew that mass was important, and I did my best to concentrate and follow the words. When I was growing up in England in the 1960’s the culture during Catholic mass was about keeping children quiet, even removing them from the church if they became noisy. Somehow, children weren’t running around like they do today, and more parents told their kids what to do and how to behave.

Today it’s a different ball game. Through my observation and whilst supporting the Family Mass at my parish in England, I can see that the parent-child relationship has changed since I was a child. Today’s parents tend to allow their children to have full rein of the church space and will either follow them around or leave them to their own devices. Boundaries are not set, and so children are not stopped from walking onto the church altar until they are just about to heave themselves onto the first step. And yet, in this same culture there is still a huge possibility for toddlers and under 5’s to engage during mass.

Let’s look at the mass, section by section, and see where we can support our children to engage with our living God. Every child will of course respond differently, and you know what will work best with your child. These are my offerings…


The Gathering

This is where God summons us to be in His company at Mass. The congregation are assembling for what is the highlight of our spiritual life – to commune with Christ.

As you get your child dressed for mass, or in the car, or on the bus- you can say something like:

“Our friends are coming from all over town to gather in church. This is so that we can all be together and praise our God.” Make it sound inviting. The tone of our voice is so important.

“Joshua is coming on the bus with his mummy and daddy to meet us at church. We are all going to have fun with Jesus!”

Part of the gathering ritual is blessing ourselves with Holy Water and genuflecting. What wonderful opportunities to teach our children through a physical movement! Now that we are physically gathered, the next gathering is a spiritual one: we all ask for forgiveness for our sins in the Penitential Rite and then take part in full blown worship through the Gloria. Sadly, at most masses this often sounds like a monotonous dirge!


Where is the joy that God wants us to experience in worshipping Him?


If this is what you experience, it might be a good idea to speak to your parish priest about singing the Gloria in a child friendly manner.


This girl has got it! The following video went viral when it was uploaded!

Story Telling

During mass we have three readings and a Psalm. These come from the Old Testament, the New Testament, the Gospels and from the Book of Psalms. All the stories are linked together. Children love stories. If you look at the mass readings the day before mass, you can see the connections and then mention these to your child. You might say something like:

First Reading: You could say this just before the Genesis account of the creation of Adam and Eve. “This is your rib, Adam (touch his rib!) Listen for the word rib in the story”.

Second reading: You could say this just before the reading from Hebrews 2: “Adam, you know that James and Micheal are brothers in the same family: well listen for the word brothers in this story”.

Psalm 128: You could say this before the Psalm. “Adam, you know that God has given us our family? In our family, there is daddy and mummy and you. I am daddy’s wife, and you are our child. Listen for the words wife and children”.

Gospel, Mark 10: You could say something like: “We stand now because God has something very important to tell us about Jesus. Listen for the word children”

So, the connections throughout these readings are about the beauty, stability and togetherness of the family. The Gospel also talks about the importance of each of us being like a child. This validates children and it would be good to make a point about this to your child.


Children live in the present and so you need to be whispering these sweet things into your child’s ear at the time of happening, so that it will make an impact.

Here is the mass story so far and beyond!

The Homily, the Creed and the Intercessions brings us to the end of our Storytelling. Now that we have listened to God’s Word we can now move into the Liturgy of the Eucharist or The Meal Sharing.

The Meal Sharing

The Offertory: The gifts are presented and prepared.

Whisper something like:

“Look! That family are taking up the bread and the wine to the priest. He will ask God to change them into Jesus’ Body and Blood”.

“The bells are ringing to tell us that a Jesus is about to perform a miracle”

The Consecration could sound like this to your child:

“Look! Jesus’ heart is appearing in the host- but He is invisible!”

“Look! The wine has just turned into Jesus’ blood- and He is still invisible!”


The Communion Rite

The praying of the Our Father prepares us to receive ‘our daily bread’.

Receiving Jesus is the ‘bees’ knees’ of the whole mass. Your toddler might feel left out. As you hold him/her, your child can still enjoy the blessing from the priest or extra-ordinary minister. Back in your pew you can hold your toddler and let him/her see you close your eyes for a short time as you pray.


The priest says: “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life”.

“Now we can glorify God by telling our friends all about Jesus. Jesus wants everyone to know that He loves them all!”


Please listen to these two parents talking about bringing their children to mass and the struggles they have:

If you would like, you can buy your interactive mass book here:

A red book titled my first interactive mass book
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