I hope that my story, ‘Lost Until the Light Comes’ gives a good example of the loving nature of a Catholic family. Although the family in my story isn’t explicitly Catholic…this is the mindset that I am working under. I am a Roman Catholic and, in my mind, so are both the families in my story. (Perhaps there will be someway that I can make this more explicit further down the line!).
My own family had its own set of problems, and we were by no means perfect…but we should all aim at being the loving families that the Lord would have us be. One thing that we did in our family was to apologise to the other person when we did something wrong and also to forgive the other person as well. None of these things are easy but they are worth learning and they make for loving relationships. Jesus asks that we are honest in our relationships and that we forgive one another. It’s only in a loving, forgiving, trusting and faith-filled family that we can be the best version of ourselves. It’s only in this type of family that each child has the best chance to flourish.
Any child hearing this story read to them will see several things that are normalised in this particular family.
I hope that you agree that these aspects of Chris’ family are good things that all families should emulate.
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